About Us

Founder’s Note:

Having worked in education and specialised in college admissions, I felt students and parents both needed more clarity and transparency along with the one on one dedication necessary for admissions to top tier colleges in the US and Britain. With a talented team, comprising some of the most outstanding students I have counselled, working with me I am confident that we can offer students an affordable, ethical, and high quality level of guidance. We certainly do not guarantee admissions or write essays for you, a most unfortunate and dishonest practice certain consultants offer here. What we do promise, however, is hard work and dedication to ensure each student’s entire application reflects their best potential. Students unable to meet us in person will be taken step by step through the admission process via Skype and will be sent feedback through email. I am very positive that after working with us, students will tackle the admissions process with a renewed confidence equipped with all the necessary information required. We look forward to meeting you!

- Jamal Hussain

One-on-One Counselling

Online Counselling